About Working from Home
by Colin Thomson
Why do so many people want to work from home and what is it that inspires so many to follow this avenue of earning an income? These are questions that I asked myself also when I first considered Home Based Business and contemplated the possibility of joining this growing community of people.
From my experience having been involved in working from home on and off for 8 years, I have found 2 main reasons.
Firstly, there is the financial aspect. People want to earn greater incomes and be rewarded appropriately for the effort they put into their chosen profession. Many people are not rewarded properly for their work output and when comparing themselves to the output of others, are disillussioned and depressed about the whole matter.
Secondly there is the time aspect. Most people seem to have to commit most of their life to an occupation that they really don't like and certainly don't enjoy. Time is spent travelling to and from work, especially in the larger cities, way beyond what anybody would reasonably expect to do. More is being demanded from employees today in the time that you are at work, to the point where you get home and go to bed through exhaustion.
You could summarise this by saying people basically want financial freedom to devote more time to families and to the things they would like to do more often. A Better Lifestyle.
These are very real and great desires, but I have learned that working from home brings rewards way beyond anything I ever thought possible!!
Life really is about relationships, with your God, with families and with those you meet on a day to day basis. Without relationships, of any sort, you will lead a very boring and depressing life. With home based business comes the added bonus of meeting many different people, in many different circumstances, in ways that really bless you and sometimes infuriate you!!!
You must learn and appreciate quickly that people are your greatest assett in life and indeed in Home Based Business also. Without day to day contact with others, your business will not grow. You may think that you can work the internet and grow a home based business devoid of contact with people, but at the end of the day, who is pushing the mouse and hitting the keys on the keyboards? You are still working with people. You still need to develop relationships with those whom you choose to work with. Without genuine relationships, your business will fail.
Can I suggest to you that to gain financial freedom and time to enjoy life more fully, you need to remember that people are your greatest asset. Whether you work online only or in network marketing, you need people. You need their input into your life and into that of your business.
You need to learn to treat people with greater respect, for who they are, for what they know and for how you may ''help each other'', not what can ''I'' get out of them!!
Look at successful business people or leaders that you know and learn from them, notice their good points and build those points into your own life, rather than noticing their bad points and just criticising them!! Learn to build people up, rather than knocking them down. Treat people as Jesus said to do, like you would have them treat you. There is untold wisdom in those very words alone!!!
In Network Marketing, in Home Based Business, your first step is to align yourself in an opportunity that you feel passionate about, one which you agree with morally and that you can relate to fully. The next step is to then become a disciple to your leaders, to your upline. You need to be teachable, able to adapt to change and with your own life experiences added, success begins to come, as you follow instructions and see your business grow.
As you grow as a person, as your business grows, you will notice that the 2 go hand in hand. I have seen many times over that those who succeed, are those willing to embrace change; and the major change occurs in themselves. Always remember this, if nothing else from this artcile; You are the sum total of all the decisions that You have made in your life. If you are not happy with your lot, then you need to do something about it, not anybody else, YOU need to change something.
As your business grows, as you grow into a stronger more able person you will see your downline grow. You will notice that you are teaching those you sell your product to, about correct usage, to gain the benefits they desire. You will notice that you are training those that become distributors in your organisation. You will notice that the Disciple has become a Discipler.
You will notice that when you fully commit yourself to any endeavour, especially Home Based Business, that you become ''richer as a person'' first, and then as you grow with your business, the rewards come, the financial freedom and the greater income begins to arrive at your door.
The greatest goal is to enjoy life and enjoy it to the full, again a great promise, made by a very wise man, who came to give us that life.
Colin Thomson works from home, part time, with his wife Cath in the Health and Nutrition Industry. They enjoy the fruit of leading a lifestyle that they have fashioned for themselves and will continue to do so, as they help others improve their health and financial situations too. www.cthomsonshomebiz.ws
Why do so many people want to work from home and what is it that inspires so many to follow this avenue of earning an income? These are questions that I asked myself also when I first considered Home Based Business and contemplated the possibility of joining this growing community of people.
From my experience having been involved in working from home on and off for 8 years, I have found 2 main reasons.
Firstly, there is the financial aspect. People want to earn greater incomes and be rewarded appropriately for the effort they put into their chosen profession. Many people are not rewarded properly for their work output and when comparing themselves to the output of others, are disillussioned and depressed about the whole matter.
Secondly there is the time aspect. Most people seem to have to commit most of their life to an occupation that they really don't like and certainly don't enjoy. Time is spent travelling to and from work, especially in the larger cities, way beyond what anybody would reasonably expect to do. More is being demanded from employees today in the time that you are at work, to the point where you get home and go to bed through exhaustion.
You could summarise this by saying people basically want financial freedom to devote more time to families and to the things they would like to do more often. A Better Lifestyle.
These are very real and great desires, but I have learned that working from home brings rewards way beyond anything I ever thought possible!!
Life really is about relationships, with your God, with families and with those you meet on a day to day basis. Without relationships, of any sort, you will lead a very boring and depressing life. With home based business comes the added bonus of meeting many different people, in many different circumstances, in ways that really bless you and sometimes infuriate you!!!
You must learn and appreciate quickly that people are your greatest assett in life and indeed in Home Based Business also. Without day to day contact with others, your business will not grow. You may think that you can work the internet and grow a home based business devoid of contact with people, but at the end of the day, who is pushing the mouse and hitting the keys on the keyboards? You are still working with people. You still need to develop relationships with those whom you choose to work with. Without genuine relationships, your business will fail.
Can I suggest to you that to gain financial freedom and time to enjoy life more fully, you need to remember that people are your greatest asset. Whether you work online only or in network marketing, you need people. You need their input into your life and into that of your business.
You need to learn to treat people with greater respect, for who they are, for what they know and for how you may ''help each other'', not what can ''I'' get out of them!!
Look at successful business people or leaders that you know and learn from them, notice their good points and build those points into your own life, rather than noticing their bad points and just criticising them!! Learn to build people up, rather than knocking them down. Treat people as Jesus said to do, like you would have them treat you. There is untold wisdom in those very words alone!!!
In Network Marketing, in Home Based Business, your first step is to align yourself in an opportunity that you feel passionate about, one which you agree with morally and that you can relate to fully. The next step is to then become a disciple to your leaders, to your upline. You need to be teachable, able to adapt to change and with your own life experiences added, success begins to come, as you follow instructions and see your business grow.
As you grow as a person, as your business grows, you will notice that the 2 go hand in hand. I have seen many times over that those who succeed, are those willing to embrace change; and the major change occurs in themselves. Always remember this, if nothing else from this artcile; You are the sum total of all the decisions that You have made in your life. If you are not happy with your lot, then you need to do something about it, not anybody else, YOU need to change something.
As your business grows, as you grow into a stronger more able person you will see your downline grow. You will notice that you are teaching those you sell your product to, about correct usage, to gain the benefits they desire. You will notice that you are training those that become distributors in your organisation. You will notice that the Disciple has become a Discipler.
You will notice that when you fully commit yourself to any endeavour, especially Home Based Business, that you become ''richer as a person'' first, and then as you grow with your business, the rewards come, the financial freedom and the greater income begins to arrive at your door.
The greatest goal is to enjoy life and enjoy it to the full, again a great promise, made by a very wise man, who came to give us that life.
Colin Thomson works from home, part time, with his wife Cath in the Health and Nutrition Industry. They enjoy the fruit of leading a lifestyle that they have fashioned for themselves and will continue to do so, as they help others improve their health and financial situations too. www.cthomsonshomebiz.ws
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